Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Screw the rules. Cross the damn streams, Now!

Why is it taking so long for the new Ghostbusters movie to be made? Everyone keeps on saying this is the age of the sequel. Well where are all the sequels that should be made. I'm not interested in Thor 2 or Paranormal Activity 67 or what ever one we're on now. There's been a few exceptions but they didn't turn out to be very good. The new Die Hard film was a big disappointment. It bored me silly, don't even remember it. And 4.0 wasn't bad, apart from when you masked the 'Fucker' out of the series most quotable line. What were you thinking. One fuck doesn't make it an 18 certificate. I've composed a list of films that are screaming out for sequels.

Gremlins (Bring Mogwai back. I'll keep him, I know the rules)

Ghostbusters (Rumours rumours rumours)

Jurassic Park (Everyone loves Dinosaurs don't they?)

Avatar (I know a sequel is coming but it's too far away)

Sin City (Why are you being delayed)

Dark Knight Rises (Come on Nolan just one more)

Austin Powers (Keep hearing rumours but whys it been so long since Goldmember?)

Ace Ventura (Seriously needs to become a trilogy. release this year and it will have been 20 years since the original)

Dumb and Dumber (This ones definitely happening and can't wait)

Indiana Jones (I didn't mind Crystal Skull, Harrison's got another one in him)

Jackass (I know people think it's controversial but it's what Dunn would have wanted)

Bad Boys (It's been a while since Will Smith has owned the screen. Are you going to make it? Whatcha gonna do)

Southpark (Please make another movie so I can go and see it and not be 7 years old this time)

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