Monday 16 December 2013

Christmas is coming a week early for Vita users

If you haven't played this game yet, where have you been? I played it earlier this year on my friends Xbox and we were instantly hooked. It's difficulty setting for a rhythm game is perfect. It's challenging but not too difficult to make you want to stop playing. It has all the ingredients to make one hell of an addictive game. I don't know how much Runner 2 we smoked that night, but it was enough to warrant a trip to rehab.

It's coming out on Playstation Vita on the 17th of December 2013. That's tomorrow! I can't wait to play this again. For anyone who enjoys pick-up and play games with gameplay that will test your reflexes, you serious need to consider downloading this game now and calling in sick for the next few days. Or if you have the vita version, play it at work. Forget about christmas.. Ages away. for the time being I'm content in knowing that I've got one of my favourite indy games of the year to play after work tomorrow. Happy days.

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