Monday 16 December 2013

NO! It's not about a fucking butcher shop.

At the start of University I was told that in order to obtain my degree I was going to need to study, and I mean A LOT. I remember the lecture where me and my fellow students were told how university was going to be for us. They basically went into elaborate detail of what I might experience, who I might encounter and what I'm likely to gain out of my experience. It was an in-depth description of a life that I hadn't yet lived, and it sounded realistic. At the time I remember thinking, "Yeah, that's likely to happen". What they failed to mention however, was that over my three year existence as a student, I was going to be watching a shit load of box sets and catch up on near enough everything that came out on television. I used all that time that was 'necessary' to obtain my degree and instead of studying, watched Breaking Bad, among others.

One day, I happened to see that there was a new comedy coming out called Fresh Meat, written by the same people that wrote peep show and which starred Joe Thomas. Being a massive fan of peep show and enjoying Inbetweeners I thought i'd give the show a go. It certainly had promise. Oh boy was I happy I tuned in that day; I've never looked back since. The characters were colourful and engaging. They were totally different from former teen characters in past shows. It focuses more on personalities where as a show like skins tended to focus more on teenage tendencies and social issues. I think that's why the characters are so recognisable and more likeable. I happen to think that unlike the norm, Fresh Meat has actually improved as the series had progressed. Season 3 for me has been the best and funniest season so far. The writing has just been on another standard. The episode with the play and the drug test was probably the funniest thing I've seen on television this year. 

I think now is an appropriate time to get to the point. I could continue singing the shows praises but instead I'll move on. I wanted to see how other people felt about the show a few episodes into season 3. I went onto a forum and the majority of comments were negative. People saying the shows not funny and that the title is misleading. Firstly, it's very funny. And as for the title, no it isn't. I couldn't believe I was reading comments were people thought it was a comedy about people working at a butcher shop. Honestly? You've never heard the term 'Fresh Meat'. It isn't misleading at all. Fresh Meat literally means New People. It's also a college term for people who are easy targets and vulnerable. Which ever definition you pick, it still circles around teenagers screwing around and partying. I genuinely feel sorry for the guy that tuned in thinking it was about a fucking butchers. I wonder how long he watched before he changed channel and probably started the letter of complaint to channel 4? To be fair in the first episode Howard has dead pheasants hanging in the kitchen. Very misleading scene if you think your watching a show about a butcher shop. 

I can't even imagine a comedy about a butchers shop. Even if there was a script floating about I can almost guarantee it wouldn't be called Fresh Meat. It's too obvious for a start and because it's also a term to describe fucking vulnerable girls it wouldn't make for an appropriate title either. Teenage sex and raw meat doesn't create pleasant imagery. Until I saw that post the other week the idea of relating it to a butcher shop hadn't even occurred to me. Some people. I mean it won best new comedy at the 2011 British Comedy Awards and won Best Scripted Comedy and Best Writer at the 2012 RTS Television Awards. I think the creators know what they're doing. So next time you want to be negative about Fresh Meat and criticise it because it's nothing like Hollyoaks, think again. I hope the final of season 3 premiering on 4OD tonight blows me away. That better not be the end though. More seasons to come please! And YOU! You think my love for this show makes me crazy; I wasn't the knob who thought it was about a butchers.  

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